Bjørnar's porigde recipie ========================= 1 person solid heavy oat prorigde (not to used by people with heat yang syndromes) Ingridients =========== 1/2 liter of fluid water 1 handful rolled oats (not whole) 0ne fingerclip of seasalt Suplemtary ingrients ==================== Red kidney beans (For Kindey yin defency) Wheat germ (For Kindey yin defency) Honey (Spleen qi defency) Cinemon (Spleen yang defency) Ginger (Spleen yang defency) Chiken ((Spleen qi defency) Avacado (liver blood and yin defency) Cucumber(liver blood and yin defency) Mountain cabin butter (fattens the body) Directions ========== Fill a iron or heavy steel casarole with flowing cold water put in a hand of rolled oats wisp with a wisper. Set on the fire let it boil up then wisp continualy if not it burns then start to add supplemtary ingreidents all but the "dead" ingridernts in after 3min so they can collect heat from the stove. The alive ingridients (Avocado Cucumber etc.) must be added after ended boiling ca 7min. Put on a massive plate and concentrate relax not watch tv or think about wordly affairs newer eat with anger. Signed Bjørnar B. Porigdeman